
A Network

renders a network visualization based on graph input. A network accepts two input tables: one for the nodes, and the other for the edges. The two tables must share columns with node identifiers. The network uses Edge Source Column and Edge Target Column as node identifiers to relate edges to the nodes.

As the network node receives two tables, there are correspondingly four output ports. From the top to the bottom on the right of the network, the first two ports are the Selection Port and Output Port of the nodes, and the second ports are the Selection Port and Output Port of the edges.



A network showing color encode nodes. This is a gene regulatory network in which blue nodes are genes that are of a special category called the Transcription Factors. The node table is of the format:

name isTF
BATF yes
RORC yes
... ...
ABCB9 no
ABCD3 no
... ...

The edge table is of the format:

source target confidence_score
BATF RORC 1.954587
BATF ABCB9 1.612152
... ... ...

The Node Id Column is name from the node table. The Edge Source Column is source from the edge table. The Edge Target Column is target from the edge table.


Drags and draws a rectangular box to select the nodes and edges inside or partially inside the box when the network is not in the Navigation mode.

Visual Properties


Type Effect
color Fill color of the circle
border Border color of the circle
size Diameter of the circle
width Width of the circle border
opacity Opacity of the circle


Type Effect
color Color of the edge curve and arrow
border Not supported
size Not supported
width Stroke width of the edge curve and arrow
opacity Opacity of the edge curve and arrow


Node ID Column

Configures the column to use as the node identifier from the node table.

Edge Source Column

Configures the column to use as the source node identifier from the edge table.

Edge Target Column

Configures the column to use as the target node identifier from the edge table.

Node Label Column

Configures the column to use as the node label from the node table.

Edge Distance

Speificies the desired distance between two nodes that are directly connected by an edge.

When navigation is on, dragging in the network area performs zooming and panning. When navigation is off, dragging in the network area makes a rectangular selection.